Wednesday 26 March 2008

Easter Wednesday

I am still recovering from a splendid Holy Week. I hope you enjoyed the updates in real time. Photographs speak more than words can do. Shortly the April Parish Magazine will be uploaded on the website and there you will find more details about that great and Holy Week.
Today we had the pleasure of a visit from two Year 6 classes from Sevenoaks Primary School. We had a general talk about the meaning of different things in a church building and one volunteer put vestments on to help explain their meaning. Some others had a go at swinging the thurible – and a good job they did indeed. There was also time for sketches to be made and I can say that there are many a budding artist in those classes. I was impressed by their good behaviour and excellent manners; they really brought much joy with them.
Staff meeting in the afternoon to plan the weeks ahead and preparations for the Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham which normally takes place this week end – Divine Mercy Sunday, have taken up the rest of the day.

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