Wednesday 21 May 2008

No day is like any other, this is true everywhere and especially so here at St John's.
Monday started with Lauds and Mass followed by that wonderful time called Sacred Space. People come in Church to adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for two hours.
During Mass a young couple walked in church. He had a beer can in one hand and a huge massive dog in the other. They came up for a blessing and afterwords I had the opportunity to have a chat with them. They are very pleasent really and it is a sadness that sometimes people loose way in life.
Back home to find a new mother asking about Baptism. The baby arrived as they moved in the Parish and there is alot of joy in mother and daughter. They left with a medal of Our Lady in hand and a firm promise that they will come to church on Sunday. I believe this one.
The post arrived as I was preparing a sermon for a funeral. I had to sign for a box which I immediately realised its holy contents. A dear friend of mine sent me some relics. A major relic comes from St Urbanus I Pope & Martyr (picture left). It is authenticated. It will be divided between the four altars who each have now an antimension waiting for the relic and the consecration from our bishop. The antimension (picture left below) is the Eastern equivalent of the Latin altar stone.
In the afternoon the Office of Readings and Vespers was prayed in church and back home the booklets for Corpus Christi were all printed.

On Tuesday the day started with a visit to a local nursing home to see a lady who has moved there from Sevenoaks hospital. This was followed by a staff meeting, a visit from the Diocesan Surveyor and a funeral visit. I also did some work on a letterhead and e-mail account/mini web-page for Forward in Faith Rochester as last Sunday I have been elected as Clerical Chairman for FiF in Rochester diocese. The evening was practically dedicated to print orders of service for a funeral Mass we shall have on Friday for one of our congregation.

Today started with the sharing of Lauds with Fr Mark. Fr Mark made his way to school for the School Mass and I to the Kent & Sussex Crematorium for the funeral of John who lived in this Parish. The flowers on his coffin came from the garden he loved so much. The day before he died he managed to see the fox he always fed from his bedroom window. I am sure that God looks after those that look after his creatures.

This afternoon will see more final touches for the great service of Corpus tomorrow and the funeral on Friday, and after the first Vespers of Corpus I will go to school for a Governor's meeting.

I will update the post as soon as I can after the Mass and Procession of Corpus Christi.

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