Sunday 28 September 2008

XXVI Sunday in Ordinary Time

Special day indeed it was for us here at St. John’s.
In the morning we had the usual rounds of Early Mass, Lauds and Sung Mass. Fr Mark was celebrant and Roger, our reader, preached.
After Mass, in the hall, we celebrated Teresa’s 18th birthday with cake and wine. (picture below) Many happy returns!
This evening Fr Martirii celebrated Lesser Compline as part of our Sesquicentenary events. The service was well attended. We all enjoyed the very good sermon he shared with us about the centrality of the cross in our Christian journey. We also enjoyed great singing voice. Many commented afterwards about how spiritually moving the whole service was. Before Lesser Compline Fr Martirii blessed the Russian Banners that usually hang in the All Souls’ altar. They served today as the iconostasis, from now on they will remind us of our link with him and with the Philokalia Society. The choir rounded up Compline by singing the Rachmaninov “Ave Maria”. In the hall Fr Martirii’s visit was toasted with Russian champagne.
Please do keep Fr Martirii in your prayers as he prepares to fly back to Germany.

1 comment:

Deacon Dale said...

Hi, very interested to here about your visit from Fr.Martirii and wonder where about in Germany he is from?

Kind regards
