Monday 17 November 2008

Lauds and Mass in honour of St Hugh of Lincoln, our intention today was in thanksgiving for our Year of Grace but especially for the splendid day we had yesterday. This was followed by exposition for Sacred Space.
Clare who led the catering team yesterday was around to finalise some work while some of the servers were busy printing their Christmas cards – the look vey nice (see photo above).
I went to school where we had a meeting with our new SIP (School Improvement Partner) to review the Head teacher’s performance. Our new SIP is very good indeed and I am sure she will be a great asset to our school. The meeting went on till lunchtime and I went back to the Vicarage to find the servers still hard at work.
Just before 2 pm I met Roger for some business we had to get sorted in church and immediately after that the Year 6 classes from Sevenoaks Primary School came for their RE lesson. They are very well behaved and took the Gospel stories we discussed vey much to heart – we even had a Gospel procession, I think I have found some budding servers.
Some time to answer the e-mails and messages on the phone and catching up with one of our churchwardens then back to church for Office of Readings, Vespers and Salve which I shared with Frances.
Planning for PCC tomorrow in which we shall start thinking about a “Fan the Flame” programme. Fr Ron Robinson SSC will lead us in this. Please keep us in your prayers.

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