Saturday 3 January 2009

The Most Holy Name of Jesus

After Lauds and Mass yesterday we had devotions to the Sacred of Heart of Jesus in front of his shrine, it being the First Friday of the month. Following this I touched base with our Parish Administrator who was busy doing some diocesan returns and printing out the 2nd edition of our Mass booklets. Hopefully this will stop people having to cope with several sheets of paper during the Sung Mass. Hospital visit was a little bit later then planned. It was good to spend time with the staff and patients, especially a lady who spoke so beautifully about the presence of God in her life. On the way back I met a pupil fwith his dad rfom one of the local schools and we had a conversation about the holiday he just came back from. He also told me that he is looking forward for the next RE lesson in school.
In the afternoon it was that Holy time of Sacred Space and shared Vespers with John a member of our congregation. Over this week end Fr Mark and his family are having some time of rest and I pray that this will be a refreshing time for all of them. Carol was also at the Parish Office busy getting the scripts ready for the Parish Panto.Today, being the memoria of the Most Holy Name of Jesus I enjoyed Lauds and Mass, especially the moving opening antiphon: At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow…it says to me not to fret as all will be well if we trust and live him whose name is above every other name. I always look froward to celebrate this feast, since my childhood I always felt attracted by the sacred monogram of IHS that stands for the Most Holy Name: Iesus Hominum Salvator - Jesus Saviour of Mankind.
After Mass Peter was doing his weekly work of folding the pew sheets which are put together by Stuart and printed by Claudia. Thank you for this weekly labour of love. Thanks also to the flower ladies who got the church looking so good for Epiphany, Douglas who prepared the Epiphany house and Frances who has all vestments, books and vessels ready.
In the hall people are busy rehearsing the Pantomime for tonight whilst the catering team are preparing a yummy supper. Claudia was busy taking photos of the church for the website and I took Holy Communion to a housebound person, a joy to be with indeed to be with that family.
And now some final sermon polishing and getting ready for the Panto tonight…can’t wait!

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