Sunday 4 January 2009

The Epiphany of the Lord

Three wonders mark this day we celebrate: today the star led the Magi to the manger; today water was changed into wine at the marriage feast; today Christ desired to be baptised by John to bring us salvation, alleluia!
(from the Breviary)

Graffiti: Yes, it is that day of the year when we are called to write next to our doors the Epiphany inscription. WHY?
1. It is a sign of Christian witness. Neighbours and friends will ask you about it when they see it, and there you have an opportunity for Mission and Witness.
2. It invokes God’s blessing upon your home.
3. It is a symbol of the hospitality you are ready to give as a Christian. These graffiti originated to show that if the wise men were passing your way then there was room for them in your house.
4. It is a declaration that Christ has dominion over all ages and to him you dedicate this New Year.

The inscription goes thus:
20 +C+M+B+ 09

So remember to take a piece of blessed chalk with you after Mass and enjoy writing next to your door.
(CMB stands for the three wise men—Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar but is also interpreted as Christus Mansionem Benedicat, May Christ bless this house.)

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