Sunday 18 January 2009

II in Ordinary Time

This first green Sunday since ages ago started with the early Mass during which we reflected on the difference between hearing and listening and the need to be still and silent so that eventually we can acknowledge God’s will even if it comes from Nazareth.
Lauds was followed by the usual preparation for Mass. Fr Mark preached the sermon during a well attended Mass. The streaming sunshine in church uplifted the whole atmosphere. After reading the Banns the upcoming events were announced and there are quite a good number of them. We are joining the scheme “Books for the Troops” and also collecting small items to give to children in an orphanage abroad.
After sharing the coffee time with parishioners and thanking Frances for her hard work in the sacristy I went to administer a house communion. Lunch was almost immediately followed by the hospital visit. It is amazing how much families open up when one is a regular feature in the place.
This ordinary Sunday turned extraordinary as tonight I had the joy of preaching at Evensong at Tonbridge School. The charming verger welcomed Claudia and me and gave us a guided tour of the wonderful chapel. We had a shortened form of Evensong with the school’s excellent choir. The opportunity of preaching to 400 young men was just great and I hope and pray that it will be useful to at least one of them. Thanks to the Chaplain and his assistant for inviting me to preach there, I am really grateful.

The chapel of Tonbridge School dedicated to St Augustine of Canterbury
The interior of the chapel

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