Sunday 8 March 2009

Less numbers for the early Mass from last week but steady at the Sung Mass. Robert preached an excellent homily that gives us a lot of nourishment as we journey through Lent.
During coffee time photos from the recent pilgrimage were projected in the hall for all to see.
I left the churchwardens and helpers busy in Church as I went to take Holy Communion to a priest. Thanks for all who work so hard to keep our lovely church in good order. The sacristan must have had a very short lunch as she was assisting the churchwarden in listing down a new inventory – a very laborious task indeed.
After the visit to the hospital all was made ready for our five o’clock Church which saw numbers up slightly from last week.
It was a very good Sunday with a lot to reflect upon as we continue our Lenten journey – Laus Deo.

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