Sunday, 14 June 2009

Corpus Christi II

Corpus Christi Mass was well attended today. After High Mass we had a procession of the Blessed Sacrament which concluded with Benediction in the Parish Hall. Many thanks for all those who helped in making this event an uplifting experience.
In the afternoon a group from the Parish attended devotions, procession and benediction at St George’s Bickley. This was followed by the AGM of Forward in Faith Rochester. It was a well attended meeting underlined by a sense of positive commitment and joy at its growth.

Last Friday I was doing my usual rounds at the hospital. One of the patients is an ex-sailor. He asked where I came from originally, when I said Malta his face lit. He was one of those brave people of Operation Pedestal. I felt very honoured to be in the presence of somone who was part of a significant moment in our history. In 1942 Malta was on its knees, there was no food at all, and rumour was rife of Rommel coming soon from nearby North Africa. People used the weapon they love most and always used - the Rosary. Food came in a heavely bombarded convoy - Operation Pedestal. In Malta we know it as the Convoy of Santa Maria. The much needed food and the salvation from falling in Nazi hands arrived in Valletta harbour on the 15th August 1942, and this man was standing on one of those ships!

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