Sunday, 7 June 2009

Fr Jeffrey Steel SSC of the blog De Cura Animarum has today made public his decision to leave the Church of England and enter into communion with the See of Peter.
I am very pleased for Fr Steel and his family that his journey has led them to be in full communion with the Holy Father. Fr Steel is a man of God and a learned one too. With him leaving, we Anglo-Catholics are loosing a great priest, but at the same time we are not because he is still in the Church of God of which we are part, this is my consolation.
This blog wishes Fr Steel and his family well and accompanies their journey with sadness but also with prayers and the hope of the restoration of full communion. Fr Steel, dear brother, I wish you well!

1 comment:

Jeffrey Steel said...

Thank you very much dear friend! Now I hope to be living closer to you soon. I will never forget my friends in the C of E and will pray for all of you and work to see all orthdox catholic Anglicans united with the See of Peter as well. I long for it and will be no stranger to any of you. You all are dear to me!