Thursday, 29 October 2009

The Glorious Saint Dominic

A dear Father in God has pointed out that the Dominican website godzdogz, which you can find here, has made public what many knew at the time but even till today kept, out of respect, under raps. For me personally this is a very moving story. It shows good Archbishop Di Noia, himself a son of St Dominic, and his care towards those Catholic Anglicans whom he understands. This is the reality and not the sinful gossip of poaching and all the rubbish that comes out from bleak souls who chase every whisp of mist.

Many of you would know that the saint that inspires me most is the Glorious Patriarch St Dominic of Guzman. I grew up in the shadow of a friary of Dominicans, I was touched by their dedication and holiness, and when I go back home every year I make it a point to visit and what a joyful time it is.
So I am moved that St Dominic and the Dominican saints: Thomas, Albert, Catherine and all the rest have had a say in the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution.
May St Dominic and his family, in heaven and on earth, continue to inspoire us and to lead us on to the full unity that Jesus wants.

Archbishop Di Noia O.P.
This is the e-mail he sent to those whom he asked to pray the Dominican Litany. This was sent on the day of the press release announcing the Apostolic Constitiution:

Today there was announced -- at press conferences in Rome and London -- the forthcoming publication of an apostolic constitution in which the Holy Father allows for the creation of personal ordinariates for groups of Anglicans in different parts of the world who are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. The canonical structure of the personal ordinariate will permit this corporate reunion while at the same time providing for retention of elements of Anglican liturgy and spirituality.

When I asked the members of the Dominican family to pray the Dominican litany from 22 February to 25 March earlier this year, the intention was that this proposal would receive the approval of the cardinal members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which was necessary if the proposal of some structure allowing for corporate reunion was to go forward. Our prayers at that time were answered, and now that the proposal has become a reality we can tell everyone what we were praying for then.

+Abp. J Augustine Di Noia, OP

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