As I take this time to be quiet and reflect on what is happening around and within Anglo-Catholicism I found very helpful a sermon by Stanley Hauerwas published on the blog of Fr Giles Pinnock SSC. You can read it here. Thanks Fr.
Also a new Anglo-Catholic blog from the States. It features on its masthead the rood of our church. Its author wrote saying:
I am the Senior Warden of the Cathedral of the Incarnation and a member of the Standing Committee of the Anglican Church in America's Diocese of the Eastern United States. For some time, I have been very concerned with the lack of a positive Anglo-Catholic voice in the American Continuing Church blogosphere, a voice, at least, open to the achievement of communion between traditional Anglicans and the Catholic Church. While the response to the Holy Father's Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus has been generally received with joy in AC circles in the UK and elsewhere, in the USA, it has too often been met with ignorance, mendacity, and a schismatic spirit which, I believe, does great damage to the cause of Anglo-Catholics committed to unity with the Holy See.
As I am sure you are aware, the ACA is the US province of the Traditional Anglican Communion which is seeking to enter into the full communion of the Catholic Church. At present we are taking an awful beating online, and this new blog is meant to counter the misinformation and to share the glories of true Anglo-Catholicism. As head of the Cathedral Chapter and a member of the Diocesan Standing Committee, I have the full support of my bishop in this endeavor. As soon as this afternoon, we expect the endorsement of the ACA HOB and I am hopeful that the TAC Primate, Archbishop John Hepworth will participate from time-to-time on the site.
I am hoping that you will be willing to link to the site and perhaps even to mention the new site in a post. This would be of tremendous help in launching the site. As we have a (new) custom domain name, it may take some weeks to show up in Google. Obviously, the traditional Catholic and Anglo-Catholic blogging community can jumpstart this project immediately. I would be very grateful for your assistance.
I want to thank you for your blog which has inspired me to enter the fray. Please keep up the good work!
Finally, I wish to bid your prayers for the ACA and the TAC as we, God willing, come into the full unity of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
So as I wish this new blog the very best, please do visit it here.
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