Thursday, 31 December 2009


The year of our Lord 2009 comes to an end, and this time one’s mind goes back not only to the last twelve months but also the last ten years. (I do know that the decade really ends this time next year so please spare me the inbox)  I do not know about you but for me it seems a short while ago all the festivities ushering in the Third Millennium and those three years of preparation each dedicated to one of the persons of the Most Holy Trinity and the image of the Venerable John Paul the Great ushering humanity through the sacred threshold of the Holy Door.
I am sure that there is a lot to be thankful for, I am also sure that there are things we could have done differently and things that we should not have done.  This evening, as we celebrate First Vespers of the Mother of God, is not a time of recriminations or examination of conscience. This moment is one of thanksgiving to the Lord of Life who gave us life to make our decisions, to be where we are. It is a moment to give thanks for the moments of joy and sadness, for achievements and failures as His will is manifest especially in our weakness. It is a moment that goes out of time and joins the pure bride of Christ, the Church, who in, with and through Christ and in the unity of the Holy Spirit turns its gaze to the Father and proclaims: Te Deum laudamus, te Dominum confitemur.

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