Sunday, 13 December 2009

Advent III

The Nuptial Mass of Frances and Rob was indeed a triumph. The Bishop of Richborogh presided and gave an inspiring homily.  I concelebrated and blessed their wedding. It was a joy and delight to be with both of them on this special day in their life. Frances is our Parish Sacristan while Rob is one of the Parish subdeacons (Anglican Patrimony). The church was packed with relatives and friends for this special Mass. The choir was (as ever) in excellent form, the servers exemplary and the church beautifully decorated. We wish Frances and Rob the very best. As I am sure they will say in the Ordinariate: Ad Multos Annos!
Masses were well attended today, it was great to catch up with so many members of the congregation. It is exciting to hear about the plans that so many have for their Christmas. There were some who wished me a Holy Christmas as by next Sunday they will be off to their parents for the celebrations. I shall miss all and wish them a most joyful celebration.
This afternoon, after the weekly hospital visits, I went to give the last rites to a member of our congregation who is much loved by so many. Please do keep this person in your prayers that she may have a good and holy death - Come Lord Jesus, do not tarry!
After the evening advent devotions it was time to set up the Clergy House Christmas Tree and put the final touches on the crib, photos of which shortly. Above are the pics from this morning's lighting of the Advent Candle, below few moments of the wedding.


Fr Ivan D Aquilina said...

Dear Fr Ivan,

We are so very grateful for the lovely, joyous wedding service. Your invitation to Bishop Keith was very thoughtful and the Pontifical Mass was a wonderful "extra" to the marriage service.

We would also like to thank the many members of St Johns who contributed in their several ways to this happy occasion, the Flower Ladies, the Choir, the Organist, the Servers, the cleaners and not least the members of the congregation who came and took part in the service.

Many of them have known Frances since we joined St Johns in 1979 and have followed her progress since she was a toddler in Annie O'Donoghue's Playgroup, along with Dominic Griffiths and Elizabeth Seal. It was very heartwarming to see them in Church along with the many new friends she has since made at St Johns.

You are all very dear people, thank you all again.

Graham and Claire

Convenor said...

Would you mind letting your readers know about the December issue of our twice-yearly journal 'CHRISTVS REGNAT', which tries to bring something 'new' to the field of thought and study of Catholic heritage, biography, history, music, spirituality and liturgy here in Ireland - especially in the light of Pope Benedict XVI's 'Summorum Pontificum':

It would also be very kind of you of you could link/follow/blogroll our blog:

Please pray for me!

God bless you!

St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association