For the past 100 years we have been devoting ourselves to pray for the unity of Christians and this for a whole week each year.
There was a time when this was looked upon with suspicion. There was a time when this was seen with a lot of optimism. This time the issue is paid a lot of lip service, out of homage to political correctness, but in reality the whole movement is being killed by apathy. Some enjoy coming together to pray, which is a good thing, but enjoy the means rather than the end, in fact some find the mean better then the end, worst still they would like the mean but not the end.
The unity we seek is an issue of justice. Through selfishness we have sundered the body of Christ here on earth giving so much scandal and causing much pain. The process of unity seeks to mend the bridges broken by pride and false piety. Christ founded one Church and it is only right and just to commit ourselves to fight against the fragmentation that for religious, political or whatever other reason were caused.
The unity we seek is an issue of mercy. Souls are waiting to be saved, the work entrusted by Christ to us his Church is that of saving souls. Our divisions are a distraction, out of mercy for souls we need to seek unity and focus on what brings us together; in unity with each other we can better understand and live the unity we have with Christ. In this relationship Christ is brought with joy to shed his loving and consuming love on those souls who like parched land are awaiting refreshing waters.
The unity we seek is an issue of peace. The peace of Christ is tangible were brothers and sisters live together in unity. Unity brings peace which the world cannot give and cannot take away. This peace is the foretaste of our heavenly city where we shall be in full unity with Christ and with each other. Unity here on earth reflects the unity that is yet to come.
Unity between Christians is of the essence that is why it is sad when opportunities offered are met with hesitation, a heaviness of heart and a hardness of mind. Some are so set in their ways that they are not open to look towards the goal let alone take the first step, even if this is a call from the Master himself.
This is a week of prayer for this Unity and for the courage we need to do what Jesus prays for us. This is a week to reflect on the crisis of an answered prayer. This is a week that will hopefully enable us to reflect prayerfully on the opportunities that may be contained in Anglicanorum Cœtibus.
I see that the unity we seek is to be an organic one. It is not a denial of who we are or where we come from, it is an acknowledgement of failures from all parts and the courage to put things right. Organic unity is not submission of one part to another but submission of all parts to Christ as all patiently await the necessary healing while offering the pain that comes with healing.
The unity we seek is not the toleration of one part by the other, but the acceptance of all as brothers and sisters in Christ bearing the image of God himself. Acceptance as members of the same family implies accepting with joy the mysterious road ahead, a road that asks for reflection and sacrifices by all and that offers to all justice, mercy and peace.
The Unity we seek is the unity that will invigorate our unity with Christ in the Faith that he handed to us through the twelve apostles.
The Unity we seek will take us through a journey that leads to truth and life, we must be confident as Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and if we follow in it we shall be one in him.
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