Friday, 7 May 2010

More from Ruth Gledhill

Updated: See Bishop Edwin's blog comment here.
Ms Gledhill has once more offered an article about provision to admit women to the Anglican episcopate in the CofE. It seems from her article that she has seen the document although it is still embargoed till tomorrow (Saturday) at 11am.

However we are provided with some not surprising details. No news here.

The code of practice offered is neither here nor there; however it is phrased, a code of practice will not do; it cannot do. We are also told that a female Anglican “bishop” will delegate sacramental and pastoral care to a male bishop for a parish that so requests. There is no such thing as a woman bishop. She has no potestas ordinis or spiritual and pastoral care to delegate. She is not a bishop; that is our point. That is what the vast majority of Christians now and down the centuries hold. What is being thrown at us is provision for misogynists; and since I am not a misogynist this is no good. I cannot be forced to accept what the Church never accepted. I believe it is injustice beyond all telling that the promises made by the CofE are being dishonoured and broken. I hold it is dishonourable to force people and priests to accept what is against their conscience and to dispossess them by a show of hands from a group of people who are trying to make themselves the infallible voice of the CofE.

Those who “put their trust in princes” are hoping in the fact that this is all up for grabs in Synod. It is up for grabs, but I am not holding my breath.

What I recommend is that we do not allow this to serve as a distraction. Let nothing trouble us as we keep our gaze fixed on Jesus the Lord of Love and Truth. With perseverance and courage we need to uphold Sacred Scriptures and with sincerity and love witness to what is honourable, genuine and true.

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