Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Mother of the Church

The month of May fills Christians with joy as they dedicate it to Mary.
However bleak a situation we find ourselves in, when we fix our gaze on her all becomes well, as she leads us to her son. This does not exonerate us from facing challenges and crosses with realism, neither does it mean that the sting of crosses and problems is taken away.  It means that as we walk with Jesus the way of life, we are under her loving gaze and can be assured of her protection.
I came across these words which I would like to share with you for your meditation.
“Mary is the most beautiful flower to bloom from creation, the 'rose' that appeared in the fullness of time when God, by sending His Son, gave the world a new spring. At the same time, she was the humble and discreet protagonist of the first steps of the Christian community. Mary was its spiritual heart, because her presence among the disciples was a living reminder of the Lord Jesus and a pledge of the gift of His Spirit”.
Pope Benedict  XVI on Sunday May 9.

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