Thursday 24 June 2010

St John's Day

What a glorious day it was! After morning prayer all was set up for the school Mass in church. Jackie was ready to lead the singing and Frs Chad and James had all the servers and altar requisites ready.
Our bishop was so kind as to come all the way to lead the school Mass. The servers from Year 6 did a brilliant job and the pupils, ably led by our head Mrs Quirk, participated in the Mass. I am also grateful for those members of our congregation who took the time to attend and support the school Mass.
Our special guest for the Mass was the new Town Mayor, Cllr Simon Raikes.
After Mass the Bishop and Mayor walked to school and they were shown around before they joined all the pupils for the school lunch.
Following coffee in the head's office the bishop and the mayor joined the four groups that were engaged in activities about John the Baptist. One centred on the river Jordan, another on making paper doves, another creating the Maltese Cross (the Cross of St John) and another creating a stained glass window representing the baptism of Jesus by our patron saint.
As the Bishop and Mayor departed, Chad, James and myself prayed the Office and returned to School for our Fete. It was brilliantly supported by parents and friends, all the lovely activities were fun and the BBQ was great. Fr Bradley even won a coconut!
The day could not have ended better: a parent asking for the baptism of her daughter who is in Year 3, great!
What a privilege to serve in this parish and in our lovely school were teachers, parents and pupils value our ministry and work. How lucky we are to have such dedicated teachers and Head and Executive Head. Please pray for James and myself that we could be able to continue to serve with joy and loyalty those entrusted to us. Enjoy the pics.

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