Thursday, 15 July 2010

The aftermath of the General Synod

Sunrise in the Sinai desert

Many things have been said in the aftermath of General Synod and its conclusions so far. Some things were sensible, others not. Some things were charitable others not. Some were truthful, other things clearly not. It would be foolish to continue to add words to the torrents of them already spilt and, no doubt, many more yet to come. We need to accept that we are intelligent creatures (one hopes at least); most of us heard the debates and those trying to put spin on events should show some restraint. Some statements and comments feel patronising and seem self serving.
What we need now is silence and not words. We need a quiet summer, a reflective and prayerful one. In the autumn we shall come together and see were God is leading us. For some this is clear for others it might not yet be so. We need to bear with each other and enable each other in our discernment, those who need pastures green in order to flourish and others who will find a way of existence within whatever structures the CofE may provide. Both sides will need to embark on a journey.  At the time of the Exodus a journey from Sinai to the Promised Land would take at most a month. With Moses it took 40 years! The Exodus happened at the pace of the slowest pilgrim.  I trust that it will not take 40 years for us but we need to walk together as a group. We also need to enable each other, when the moment comes, to move in different directions and to see that all pilgrims have the necessary for their journey. Whilst doing this journey in Love we need to dig deep and reflect on our Faith and the reason of our Hope.
Mid September will see the historic visit of the Pope to this nation. It will be a moment of grace, a moment of prayer especially for the unity of the Church, a moment to focus on Jesus and on his faithful servant Cardinal Newman.
So I suggest that we keep working hard to proclaim the Gospel - the only hope for this and every nation, to keep steadfast in prayer and in love as we seek God’s will in what many, myself included, feel like a desert; knowing that the grace of God comes with great force in the desert.  

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