Lauds and Mass were followed by hospital visits and sick communions. Fr Mark and I were pleased with the good turn out for the Mass in honour of the martyrdom of St John.
Pew sheet was done and preparations for the sesquicentenary exhibition are well under way. Roy is perfecting his restoration skills and has just renewed two candlesticks which will now be used on the school altar. (Photo above)
The afternoon opened with Sacred Space, that wonderful time of silence in front of the Lord. I prayed for the New Oxford Movement. Office of Readings, Vespers and Benediction closed the afternoon.
Today I have been asked to officiate at the funeral of a 23year old man. He died in a traffic accident. Please remember him and his family in your prayers.
A couple of meetings in the evening brought to an end a very productive day.
On the Anglo-Catholic blogsphere there is a lot being written about this New Oxford Movement. I am really pleased that there is a blogspot about it where ideas can be thrown and discussed.
I believe that the New Oxford Movement does not need to be invented as it already exists. It subsists in the resolution C Parishes, in Forward in Faith, SSC, the catholic societies, bishops, priests, deacons and laity in the CofE.
This movement is now growing to maturity, the last Synod and the comments by Cardinal Kasper has made it realise were it is going, it is taking stock. Cardinal Kasper coined a much needed phrase. Persecution is not on its way, it is already here. How many Anglo-Catholic clergy are chosen for offices of responsibility? How many liberals? How many resolution parishes are punished by long vacancies, threats of closure or of being swallowed up in Team Ministries that will not respect their tradition? The list is unending, no one needs proof.
Yet Anglo-Catholics are being purified and prepared to stand up for Jesus. The New Oxford Movement is completely focused on Christ, the pearl of great price. Its clergy are dedicated for the cure of souls, its congregations support no end, if not would we have arrived were we are now? This movement new and yet so old exists as it acknowledges with greatest joy that it forms part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is now rediscovering its paths and pondering the unchartered waters, but it is not afraid, it will never be as the whispers of the Beloved do not cease saying: “I am with you till the end of time.”
This movement needs to remain on its knees in front of its tabernacles, it needs and will not cease to offer the holy sacrifice and celebrate the sacraments. It will remain faithful and minister to the people of its parishes and all those who cross our paths will hear the reason of our hope, it will continue to minister to pastures new as it is doing on the internet. It will continue to meet and celebrate, teach and learn: ecclesia docens and ecclesia discens. Its heartbeat is in its parishes, its thoughts worldwide, its glance is towards humanity, its eyes fixed above.
Maybe one of the ways forward is to provide formation for those who form, clergy and laity coming together to be formed and shaped in order to pass this on to others.
It may be that it is in this coming together to pray and learn that paths may become clearer.
These are just some thoughts and hopes and aspirations, there is so much more, but for now enough. We need to allow silence to be eloquent…
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