Thursday, 11 September 2008

I just arrived back from a splendid 24 hr conference in Ascot Priory. This conference was organised by the Guild of All Souls for Incumbents of parishes over which they hold the patronage.
It was great to meet other clergy in the wonderful setting of the Priory. The Warden made sure that we had all the necessities and more. Bishop Keith Newton, president of the Guild, led the conference and celebrated Mass for us. We also had the opportunity to meet the trustees of the Guild, amongst whom our own Jim Cheesman.
Our guest speaker was Dr Sebastian Brock who gave a very engaging lecture about Syriac Spirituality, focusing on the writings of St Ephrem the Deacon and St Isaac of Niniveh; I will look out to read more on the subject especially some of the wonderful prayers from that spirituality which Dr Brock shared with us.
I am grateful to the Guild for their support to my ministry and for this opportunity to talk, share and pray with other clergy.
After the usual rounds of Friday morning Fr Mark and I will leave to Oxford for the Vocations Conference. Although for us Anglo-Catholics the situation and climate is very bleak we have 21 men attending this conference to discern the call they feel to the Sacred Priesthood. Please do keep them in your prayers at this joyful, exciting and also daunting time in their lives. We will come back on Saturday morning to be in time for the wedding of Michael and Amy.

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