The Mass was wonderful, our bishop preached a wonderful sermon. The music was excellent and the children's choir made us proud as they sang an anthem for the offertory. The servers knew exactly what to do and the serving was flawless. The bishop blessed the four antimensia that are now on our altars. The church was packed and the sacristy team led by Frances made sure that everything was were it should be and where it is needed.
After Mass we all went down to the hall for our lunch. The bishop blessed the food and the choir led us in singing the grace. We sat for a three course meal which was delicious. So many people helped in setting up the hall, cooking and serving. Graham led the sheet table quiz which amongst others puzzled us by the cockney rhyming slang. Well done table V!
The bishop toasted the church on its birthday, I toasted the bishop and Fr Mark thanked the kitchen staff and toasted the Queen. Whilst the bishop made a pastoral visit to a member of our congregation who was not able to join us, everything was prepared for Vespers and Benediction.
The Leader of the Council and the Mayor honoured us with their presence. Canon Robin Ward SSC gave us a scholarly sermon which was appreciated by all. Vespers was followed by tea and cakes.
It was good to come togtehr as a family, we thank those who came to support us especially the visiting clergy. Thank you for your support.
And now to look and move on, festivities over, on Tuesday the PCC will think about our Parish Mission 2009.
And now to look and move on, festivities over, on Tuesday the PCC will think about our Parish Mission 2009.
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