Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The feast of St Joseph of Nazareth in Nazareth

The feast of St Joseph was celebrated in style in his own hometown. The Custos was solemnly received in front of the Basilica of the Annunciation and he was led to the Church built over the house of St Joseph were he celebrated Mass.
After Mass he led a torchlit procession to the Basilica holding an icon of the saint which afterwards was venerated by the faithful.
Please keep in your prayers the Christians of the Holy Land that are keeping alive, with much sacrifice, the places of our faith.
On Good Friday please do consider offering money towards the Holy Land Collection. All monies gathered are passed on to the Custodia. See what your Parish is doing for Christians in the Holy Land this Good Friday. Here at St John's we shall hold a special collection for Christians in the Holy Land on Good Friday. If you are a Parish Priest why not consider asking your people to support fellow Christians in the Holy Land?
Photos by CTS.

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