Sunday, 21 March 2010

Walsingham IV

Special thanks goes to Fr David Peters SSC who today celebrated the Holy Mysteries at 8 and 10am for Lent V - Passion Sunday. A collection was taken for the White Flower Appeal. In a week's time we will be well and truly into Jerusalem by the celebration of Palm Sunday.
At Walsingham the day started bathed in glorious sunshine. It was not that easy to get all the crewe ready for breakfast by 8am but somehow we managed.
After breakfast we had time to pack and clear the rooms some of which gave the impression that they were hit by a huge harricane at some stage during the previous 48 hours.
At 10am we assembled for Mass which focused on the beatitudes the way to be stars that shine for Jesus.
Half an hour of free lunch was followed by a delicious lunch and a good time in the park.
At 2pm we all assembled for sprinkling and then to home. We arrived safe and sound at 7pm.
Many thanks to Michael and Amy for being such caring leaders, to Bishop Lindsay and to fr Stephen who lovingly led the pilgrimage, also to the staff of the shrine who kept us all warm, safe and well fed and watered.
Click here for more pics.

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