Sunday 13 April 2008

Good Shepherd - Vocations Sunday

I like walking to church for the early Mass on Sunday. It brings to mind that wonderful image of very early on that first day of the week when the disciples walked to the empty tomb.

During Mass this morning we reflected on the implications of the Good Shepherd Gospel. On those sheep who sadly do not listen to his voice but prefer the noise of the thieves and bandits that scale the walls.

At 9am Fr Mark and I shared Lauds which at this holy time ends with the chanting of the Regina Cœli. The choir rehearsed, the servers prepared and the church filled slowly but steadily with the faithful.

Fr Mark presided over Mass and today being Vocations Sunday he spoke about his own vocation and the need to foster vocations to the Sacred Priesthood in our community, for this to happen we need to build upon our firm basis of teaching, nurture and celebration of the sacraments.
At present there are two men thinking about this possibility, please keep them in your prayers.

It was good to spend time with people in the hall whilst Frances was busy putting everything in order in the sacristy.

Afternoon visit to the hospital was as usual a moving time. It is really an enriching discipline to visit the hospital regularly: a living stations of the cross. I do recommend it.

Back from hospital I stopped at the Hall for our Youth Group meeting while Claudia was busy updating the website.

Our Youth Group is called BOBs. Today they were trying to break many records, and Adam succeeded in blowing a Malteser with a straw to a distance of 406cms, longer than the one recorded so far. See his photo holding the certificate below. I bet he could not blow this malteser half that distance with his straw.

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