Tuesday 8 July 2008

To say that the events of last night in General Synod where sad is an understatement. It was a bad night in which the GS cast aside an opportunity of grace and against all advice voted for arrogance. However within that very deep pain I will still carry on my priestly duties under the Bishop of Fulham in the fellowship of FiF and SSC up and until it is possible so to do. I will never compromise my loyalty to Christ in the Faith Catholic, never ever! I see last night as another fall on the way of the cross, if not a crucifixion itself, but I know that the way of the cross is the way taken by Jesus and I am glad to follow wherever it leads.
Here is the statement by FiF. Please pray for the leaders of FiF as they enter the period of prayerful reflection.

York, Monday 7th July 2008
General Synod Vote - Initial Reaction

Forward in Faith and the Catholic Group in General Synod note with regret that, despite the clear advice of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Durham, the Bishop of Winchester, the Bishop of Exeter and other Bishops, the Prolocutor of the Province of Canterbury and the Chairman of the House of Laity and the obvious lack of consensus, the General Synod today resolved to make no meaningful provision for those in conscience unable to receive the ministry of women bishops.
There must now be a period of prayerful reflection. However, members of both the General Synod and of the Church of England will understand that actions always have consequences.

Simon Killwick
Chairman, Catholic Group in General Synod
Geoffrey Kirk
Secretary, Forward in Faith
Stephen Parkinson
Director, Forward in Faith

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