Monday 10 November 2008


After Lauds and Mass today we had the exposition of the Most Blessed for Sacred Space. This silent witness and adoration of Our Lord is the backbone of the whole existence of our Parish. The Lord presides from the altar and those who answer His call keep silent vigil in front of Him. It is silence that best leads us in the presence of Him who is perfect Love; it is the openness of the faithful that allows Him to pour His Holy Spirit that energises us and unites us together and with Him. I know that there are others who can not be present and others that join spiritually from home, but how I wish that more of us will make some time to come and keep vigil in front of our Joy!
My first RE lesson today was at our school, in the afternoon it was the turn of another local school. In both primary schools I have the pleasure of teaching the older classes. One of the classes was due to come to church today but the weather was so miserable that I went to the school.
In both classes today we shared the story of Moses. It is such a captivating and exciting story that one could hear a pin drop. We spoke about the Ten Commandments and we wrote them down on home made tablets. In one of the schools, as we were summing up, a pupil said to me: “Moses is cool!” Indeed he is.
After answering some e-mails and working on some things that needed doing I shared Office of Readings, Vespers and the Salve with Frances, our hard working sacristan.
Today we kept St Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor. I read his life in preparation for my confirmation, I was about ten. The image of him in sacred vestments and with a cross in hand, riding a white horse meeting the barbarians and stopping them by the sheer power of courage and trust in God always captured my imagination. God can do mighty things with those who trust Him. Why are we so weak and so scared to trust God? I think St Leo is cool too.

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