Monday, 1 June 2009

Pentecost in Jerusalem

The day of Pentecost has special features in Jerusalem.
Saturday night Christians assemble as near as they can to the Upper Room on Mount Zion. There they keep an all-night vigil. In the morning the Solemn Mass is kept in the Parish Church of St Saviour in the Latin Quarter. The officiant was Fr Artemios OFM, the Vicar of the Custos.
At 4pm a solemn procession leaves the old city towards Mount Zion where Vespers of the Solemnity is sung in the Upper Room itself. Before Vespers the Holy Edifice is greeted and censed. After Vespers the Regina Coeli is sung for the last time in the Upper Room itself as fifty days before it was sung for the first time in the Holy Sepulchre. This year the Franciscans celebrate their 800th anniversary of having the church and monastery on Mount Zion.
Enjoy the pictures, but please remember to pray for the Christians in the Holy Land.

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