Thursday 13 August 2009

Update from Sevenoaks

Our parish is mourning the passing away of Fr Martin Heal, formerly Vicar of St. John’s, who died on the 11th August. At St. John’s he was truly a pastor and leader, and was responsible for the re-ordering of the church in the 60's. Many people at St John’s have fond memories of the zeal and pastoral dedication he offered. In his time there were many who answered their call to the Sacred Priesthood. May he rest in peace. Jesu Mercy! Mary pray!
The work in the choir vestry is progressing thanks to Richard and Graham; you can see the progress in the photos below.
The sacristan, who has also provided these pics, has decorated the shrine of Our Lady of Greatness in readiness for the feast of the Assumption. Thanks!

1 comment:

Fr David Clues said...

Father, I am very sorry to hear of the death of Fr Heal. He was truly one of the great, colourful characters of Anglo-Catholicism.
Prayers offered at Our Lady's Shrine here in Willesden, for him and for the parishes he faithfully served.