Monday 8 February 2010

Anglican Patrimony

Anglican Patrimony is not simply Choral Evensong or BCP, it is also pastoral work for all those in the parish.
This afternoon both Year 6 classes from Sevenoaks Primary School, braving a flurry of snow, came to church to reflect about the meaning of prayer. We reflected on the basics of Christian prayer and looked at the Lord’s Prayer as model and source of prayer. All pupils outlined the palm of their hands on a coloured paper and through a symbol or drawing outlined their prayer. When ready they placed all the prayers at the foot of the High Altar.
The final part of the lesson was about prayer aids and today we explored the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with its local connection here at Aylesford in Kent. All pupils took home with them a brown scapular, lovingly made by the Carmelite nuns at Carpineto in Italy and a Lent Calendar. As ever it was a joy to have them here, they really are a credit to their fine school.
This is the kind of ministry that St John's want to continue to do and expects the CofE to ensure that it does; why do Christians want to hinder the work of the Gospel?

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