Sunday, 25 April 2010

Easter IV


Yesterday was truly a joyful day. Over forty people joined the six pilgrims that walked the whole way from Sevenoaks to Canterbury. The last eight miles was enjoyed by stunning views, excellent weather and the company of each other. The last stop was at a pub called St Thomas for a good lunch.
The whole pilgrimage came together at the Cathedral for Evensong. The Dean made us very welcome not only in his introduction to Evensong but also in reserving choir stalls for all of us. After Evensong and a visit to the place hallowed by the Martyrdom of St Thomas we were all invited to the Lodge for tea.
Today attendance at both Masses was good and we celebrated the Baptism of young Joseph Mark during the Sung Mass. Our preacher today was Phillip, a reader in training that the Diocese has placed with us for a few weeks.
After Mass the six pilgrims were congratulated and a little memento was presented to them.
At the back of church we have available the booklet by English and Welsh RC Bishops called the Common Good. It is very well written and I am proposing it to all here as they reflect on who to vote for. It is incumbent on us to vote but we need to do this honestly and prayerfully.
I too am saddened by the leak documents from the Foreign Office of that arrogant and distasteful “brainstorming” session result  memo concerning the Papal Visit. Is it becoming of officers of the Government to waste public money in such pre adolescent “fun”? We hear that the one responsible has been moved elsewhere.  Is he being retrained and re-educated? Is he going to voluntarily offer community work to make up for the money he wasted? We all need to be accountable.

1 comment:

Kentish Man said...

Hear, hear with regards to Common Good! Anglo-Catholics are also commended to read 'Red Tory' by Philip Blond - the first half especially.