In the today’s online Times an article by Ruth Gledhill reproduces what her sources have confided in her. Nothing new, no surprises, but still very sad indeed. Many of us were ordained under the guarantee and the promise of the Act of Synod. This is now going to be taken away from us, promises broken by those who should uphold them. Under the Act of Synod priests and congregations could live with integrity (and to the annoyance of liberals flourish beyond all imagination) even though we faced all sorts of subtle and not so subtle discrimination.
We learn from this article the “final” proposals as regards legislation on allowing women to be admitted to the Anglican episcopate. These “final” proposals are going to be available, we are told, this Friday. What a better day to bury an act of such treachery while attention is drawn on the 2010 General Elections? And is it Christian and right that we learn about what is being offered to us (yes NIL) through leaks given to a religious correspondent? Is this how the CofE treats its members now?
We are told that only a code of practice will be offered for those who with me hold the Faith once delivered to the saints. This is like clothing a naked person in freezing weather with a flimsy veil. In fact the veil is offered not to meet the needs of the naked but to placate the embarrassment of the giver. And embarrassed they should be, and also repentant as what they are offering and what they are doing is sinful. Unlike some liberals I speak for no one but myself; I will never ever ever be part of a sinful structure that pretends to be church, a structure that departs from loyalty to Christ and respect to His absolute sovereignty. I urge you also to ensure that you stand up for Jesus and be counted.
Ms Gledhill assures us that her “sources” will provide the flimsy vesture of a code of practice. Many of us have said: “A code of practice will not do!” It cannot do, we are messed about under an Act of Synod, can you imagine what will happen under a weak code of practice? We are also told that only a small number of Anglo-Catholics will not accept this deal. Is this wishful thinking? Has this been proved by any so called sources? Or is this part of the bullying-into-submission parlance? Who arrived at this conclusion and how and why?
The word taint also appears in this article. As an Anglo-Catholic I do not agree that admitting women to the Anglican episcopate will “taint” the catholicity of the Church of England. By admitting women to the Anglican priesthood the Cof E started its way towards breaking with Catholicity, when it ordains the first women into its episcopate this Catholicism will not be tainted but will cease to exist. And some eminent gentlemen, one highly praised by Dr Williams himself, said so much to the face of the House of Bishops of the CofE and to the face of the last Lambeth Conference.
We are told that a “source” told the newspaper “even though the code of practice would not come under statutory provision, the top 10 or 12 women being spoken of as future bishops in church circles had already resolved privately to do their utmost to keep traditionalists happy by facilitating the woman-free oversight.” How offensive, I am not a misogynist. I do not need woman-free oversight but Catholic episcopate which is the basis that roots my ministry in that of Jesus. I am deeply offended by these 10 or 12 and hope that they apologise immediately. I am not in the Church to be kept happy but to be faithful. It shows what quality of people will be entrusted with the Church, clueless.
We are also told that “to succeed at the synod in July, the legislation to consecrate women bishops must be passed by a simple majority by bishops, clergy and laity.” Two thousand years of Tradition, the absolute majority of the Church Militant screams out NO and these people in a local synod of an ecclesial community that has lost its presence in the society it should evangelise think they can change Revelation, Theology and Church Order by a show of hands. Faith and Gospel are not up for grabs. Kyrie eleison! Mary, Mother of the Church, will intercede for us.
People who like me stand up for the Faith of our Fathers deserve an honoured place in the Cof E and Synod must provide it. Promises made to us MUST be honoured. However, my first loyalty is to Christ and to him alone and Him I serve in the Faith Catholic with utter joy as I am unworthily called to join the footsteps of the saints. The dawn of a Christian realignment is indeed near. And for those who are playing number games for whatever reason, I recall that the Universal Church was founded on Twelve men and seventy two disciples. If you do your mathematics you might find that even one is a luxury for Great Britain.
So Feminism triumphs over Faith if the report proves to be correct. It makes me ashamed of my church and the hypocritical 'Christians' of WATCH and their supporters who have persistently misrepresented the views of those who dare disagree with them.
Conscience is not a word that they comprehend or would be bothered about. Triumph alone is their goal.
So it's full steam ahead for the "Church of Christina Rees". I wonder if there will be a role for +Rowan in the new outfit? Sidesman, sorry Sidesperson? Perhaps he will be allowed to read the occasional lesson? Oh well, time to "shut up shop", cancel the monthly giving and look up one of my old RC padres for a "jumping the Tiber course".
Great post.
To the many propositions in life we are asked treat with considerable scepticism ("I am from the Inland Revenue and I am here to help you"; "I will still love you in the morning, darling"; "Your cheque's in the post"), I think there's a new candidate "Your traditions will be fully respected through this Code of Practice".
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