Dorothy, a long standing member of this congregation, passed away during the Early Mass. We were praying for her to have a good and holy death. After Mass Fr Mark and I went to Dorothy’s house. Next to her bedside we spoke to the family and recited Lauds there instead of church, we also imparted the first blessing of the body. Indeed, precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his holy ones. It was a holy and peaceful death, comforted by the holy rites of the Church and the prayers of her family around her. May she rest in peace. Fr Mark and I reflected on the significance of going to meet the Risen Lord, very early on the first day of the week.
Back to church for our Parish Mass, choir and servers where ready. Fr Mark celebrated and preached. After the Mass the new head chorister was announced and took the mantle of office. The outgoing head chorister was thanked for her diligence and hard work and to the new one best wishes where offered, she has a hard act to follow.
After Mass I enjoyed meeting as many parishioners as I could. Frances and Roy were busy sorting out the sacristy and church.
Hospital Communions and visit at 4pm, had time to chat with the many visitors. At 7pm we had the wedding practice for Michael and Amy. These staunch members of the congregation will tie the knot on Saturday. Many blessings!
Today is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I look forward to celebrate Mass in her honour and tonight to join with the congregation of St Mary in Swanley as they celebrate their Patronal.
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