Saturday, 6 September 2008

Yesterday was the First Friday of the month. It is a venerable and noble tradition to dedicate that day each month to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is an opportunity to contemplate that love beyond all telling, the heart that makes tangible the depths of the eternal love of God, the heart that is always open for those who repent and turn to It.
After the Office and the Holy Sacrifice Fr Mark and I went our separate ways. Fr Mark started the rounds of the Friday home communions and I at the hospital; it is always moving to see how patients are eager to speak to the priest and ask for prayers.
Christine almost spent all the day in church working on the new frontals for the Walsingham and All Souls altar. They are looking great, biretta tip to Christine.
In the afternoon the wonderful time of Sacred Space and Office of Readings and Vespers in front of the Most Blessed exposed ending with Benediction.
The day closed with the clergy attending the 90th birthday party of a member of the congregation. Joan many happy returns and blessings!
There was also a sad note during the day as we had the first casualty of the July 7th vote in General Synod. A member of our congregation can not in conscience be part of the Church of England any more, and has decided to move to the Church of Rome. We wish this member all blessings as he returns to the rock from which we were hewn. It is very sad to loose a member of the congregation because of this; it brings the whole horror of the event more bitterly in the face. However, we all knew that this is what the inclusive liberals are hoping that one by one we all go so that they can lay their lusty hands on our churches. To this member I say: You shall be missed, we understand what you are doing, God speed and keep praying for us as we shall keep on praying for you.

Saturday started earlier than usual for Fr Mark who went to administer the last rites to one of the home communicants. The Divine Office was followed by Mass which was also the Corporate Communion of our branch of the Mothers Union. The MU prayer was recited by all during the intercession and more prayers offered for this member of our congregation to have a good and holy death, surrounded by her loving members of the family at her home.
After Mass we went to visit this lady and said prayers, a medal of Our Lady keeps vigil beside her. She used the Rosary in her life and now I am sure that our heavenly mother is answering her prayer: “now and at the hour of our death”. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his holy ones.
Another member of our congregation came with her husband-to-be and booked the church for their big day next year. They are indeed a wonderful couple and from here we wish them all blessings.
The rest of the day was spent in administration and in setting up a new phone system that replaces the almost dead one and, hopefully, will make communication easier.
The day over, prayers are offered for all those who will join us in worship tomorrow, and that all our doings will be pleasing to the Lord, to whom alone belongs all glory…

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